Doll-Sized Werewolf Hat

2 08 2011

My two girls have dolls they like to dress up. They have one American Girl doll and 3 Our Generation dolls (the Target/Battat version of AG). These are 18″ dolls and their clothes are interchangeable.

The girls and I thought it might be fun to alter some of the patterns in Vampire Knits to be doll-sized. The first one we tried was the Werewolf Hat.


Using the same yarn as the Werewolf Hat (Knitpicks Suri Dream in Fedora)

**Note – this yarn is discontinued. If you don’t have any, you can use another yarn that’s similar. I also made a few in Cascade Bollicine.**

With size 9 or 10 dpns , cast on 39 sts (13 on each dpn)

Join yarn, careful not to twist.

Rounds 1 and 3: knit

Rounds 2 and 4: purl

Round 5 and on: knit.

Knit til it measures 2.5 inches. Begin decreases.

Round 1: k 11, k2tog, repeat twice (36 sts)

Round 2: k1, ssk, knit across dpn, repeat twice (33 sts)

Repeat these two rounds til there are 3 sts left on each dpn. Cut a long tail and using a tapestry needle, pull yarn through all stitches (like a drawstring). Weave in ends.

Ears (make 2)

c/o 1



kfb (twice)


kfb, k2, kfb


kfb, k4, kfb



bind off knitwise. weave in ends, sew ears onto top of hat.


Maybe next I’ll make a doll sized Tourniquet. 🙂